15 March 2025, 22:07
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Indicators of the GS market

The Exchange calculates and publishes:

  • indices of the government securities market of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • the total nominal value of the government securities market of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Stock Market/
Government securities
from 31 days and more
Without segmentation
Up to 1 year
1 - 5 years
Over 5 years
Government debt
1 076,78
Time of recent data:

The index of total income (including accrued coupon interest and reinvested coupon payment), reflecting the change in the value of non-indexed government securities of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan with a maturity of 5 years or more

Change, month to date
(-5,05 % )
Change, year to date
(-8,59 % )
Maximum for 52 weeks
1 180,57
Minimum for 52 weeks
1 032,11
Historical maximum
1 180,57
Historical minimum

Indicator update time: daily on business days after the end of trading from 17:30 to 20:00 (GMT +05:00),

Indicator change: calculated when the indicator is published relative to the value of the previous trading day


Actual information

KASE RULES Methodology for calculating the GS indices
MARKETS Government securities
KASE RULES Methodology of Securities Valuation
INDICES Archive of aggregated indices
INFORMATION Auction Viewing
FOR MEMBERS Trading and Clearing Shedule