For Members/
Members of the Exchange/
"Freedom Bank Kazakhstan" JSC

"Freedom Bank Kazakhstan" JSC
FFBN Membership categories
currency since 13.11.2015
derivatives since 28.04.2023
stock since 28.04.2023
derivatives since 28.04.2023
stock since 28.04.2023
61a Kurmangazy st., Almalinsky district, Almaty, 050000 (A05E8Y2), Republic of Kazakhstan
(727) 2595 595
First boss
Akhmetova Gulfairuz
Chairman of Managing Board
Activity on KASE in 2025
22 Government Securities
2 Repo
15 Debt securities
4 Foreign currency swap
Financial performance | 01.01.25 | 01.10.24 |
Equity capital | 209 403 606,00 th. KZT | 162 393 996,00 th. KZT |
Authorized capital | 88 356 148,00 th. KZT | 67 356 145,00 th. KZT |
Total assets | 2 547 968 765,00 th. KZT | 2 377 979 304,00 th. KZT |
Total liabilities | 2 338 565 159,00 th. KZT | 2 215 585 308,00 th. KZT |
Net income | 50 660 584,00 th. KZT | 26 579 864,00 th. KZT |
ROA | 1,99 % | 1,12 % |
ROE | 24,19 % | 16,37 % |
Register of traders
Full name of the trader | ID | Membership rules | Access status | Status in register | |||
status | Date | ground | Date | status | |||
Abuev Erlan Tulegenovich | KSNBK0TT04 | stock market | access granted | 18.08.2020 | list of traders | 18.08.2020 | entered in the register |
KSNBK0TT04 | currency market | access granted | 18.08.2020 | list of traders | 18.08.2020 | entered in the register | |
ft63rm_Abuyev | derivatives market | access granted | 18.08.2020 | list of traders | 18.08.2020 | entered in the register | |
Andrushenko Dmitriy Vladimirovich | KSNBK0TT01 | stock market | access granted | 18.01.2021 | list of traders | 14.01.2021 | entered in the register |
KSNBK0TT05 | currency market | access granted | 18.01.2021 | list of traders | 14.01.2021 | entered in the register | |
ft63rm_Andruschenko | derivatives market | access granted | 18.01.2021 | list of traders | 14.01.2021 | entered in the register | |
Bimanova Indira Bekaidarkyzy | KSNBK0TT03 | stock market | access granted | 15.02.2016 | – | 15.02.2016 | entered in the register |
KSNBK0TT01 | currency market | access granted | 15.02.2016 | list of traders | 15.02.2016 | entered in the register | |
ft63rm_Bimanova | derivatives market | access granted | 15.02.2016 | list of traders | 15.02.2016 | entered in the register | |
Melnikova Anastasia M. | KSNBK0TT05 | stock market | access granted | 28.11.2022 | list of traders | 28.11.2022 | entered in the register |
KSNBK0TT08 | currency market | access granted | 28.11.2022 | list of traders | 28.11.2022 | entered in the register | |
ft63rm_Melnikova | derivatives market | access granted | 28.11.2022 | list of traders | 28.11.2022 | entered in the register | |
Orynbekov Yerzhan Kanatovich | KSNBK0TT02 | stock market | access granted | 11.05.2023 | list of traders | 10.05.2023 | entered in the register |
KSNBK0TT07 | currency market | access granted | 11.05.2023 | list of traders | 10.05.2023 | entered in the register | |
ft63rm_Orynbkeov | derivatives market | access granted | 11.05.2023 | list of traders | 10.02.2023 | entered in the register | |