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Market and Company News
27.02.2025 11:14 #Indices and indicators


/KASE, February 27, 2025/ – The Indices and Indicators Committee of Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE), in accordance with KASE's internal document "Methodology for calculating stock market indices and indicators", defined the following representative list for calculating the KASE_ESGB* series indiators, effectiuve March 1, 2025:

1) KZ2P00011364 (ACARb1) of A-cars LLP;

2) KZ2P00010317 (BKBTb1) of Black Biotechnology LLP;

3) KZ2C00009637 (BRKZb32) of Development Bank of Kazakhstan JSC;

4) KZ2C00012987 (BTRKb18) of NMH "Baiterek" JSC;

5) KZ2C00008068 (FRMPb3) of "Damu" Entrepreneurship development fund JSC;

6) KZ2C00012482 (HSBKb22) of Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan JSC;

7) KZX000001870 (JETGe1) of PC JET Group Ltd.;

8) KZ2C00011658 (JSBNb2) of "Otbasy bank" house construction savings bank JSC;

9) KZ2C00011740 (JSBNb3) of "Otbasy bank" house construction savings bank JSC;

10) KZ2C00011757 (JSBNb4) of "Otbasy bank" house construction savings bank JSC

11) KZ2C00007797 (KEGCb4) of KEGOC JSC;

12) KZ2P00010119 (KZWEb1) of KazWind Energy LLP;

13) KZ2P00010226 (MFACb2) of MFO "Arnur Credit" LLP;

14) KZ2C00009769 (MFOKb11) of MFO OnlineKazFinance JSC.

The specified bonds comply with all the requirements of the Methodology.

In accordance with the Methodology, once every three months KASE revises the representative list for calculating the indicators of sustainable development bonds, which are aimed at financing projects in the field of ecology, environmental protection and socially significant projects (ESG bonds).

The KASE_ESGB* index series of the specified bonds includes:

  • KASE_ESGB_CP – index of "clean" prices of ESG bonds of the official list of KASE of the main and alternative markets;
  • KASE_ESGB_DP – index of "dirty" prices of ESG bonds of the official list of KASE of the main and alternative markets;
  • KASE_ESGB_Y – indicator of the yield of the index of ESG bonds;
  • duration of the index of ESG bonds.

From March 1, 2024, the representative list of indicators of the KASE_ESGB* series will not change and will consist of bonds of 14 names.

The specified indicators are available for viewing on KASE website at see more

The text of the Methodology is available on KASE website at see more
