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Market and Company News
04.12.2024 16:42 #Trading information

Review of KASE equity market in November 2024

/KASE, December 4, 2024/ – Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE) presents a stock market review for November 2024.

The volume of equity trading in November amounted to 22.0 bn tenge and increased by 21.4%, or 3.9 bn tenge, compared to October. Stock trading in November took place exclusively on the secondary market. The average daily trading volume amounted to 1.0 bn tenge, the average daily number of transactions was 8,831, the average volume of one transaction was 118.6 thousand tenge.

KASE Index value increased by 6.0% in November and amounted to 5,524.76 points by the end of the month.

                                                     Volume, bn tenge
                                                Δ, % -------- -------
           November 29 October 31 Δ, % from 01.01.24 November October
---------- ----------- ---------- ---- ------------- -------- -------
KASE Index    5,524.76   5,213.61 +6.0        +31.94    18.40   12.08

The volume of transactions with index shares in November amounted to 18.4 bn tenge, which is 6.3 bn tenge higher than the October figure. The largest trading volume was in common shares of Kazakhtelecom JSC – 6.5 bn tenge (35.6% of the total trading volume with index shares).

                     Last price,                       Trading volume, 
                  tenge per share          Δ, %               mln tenge
     ---------------------------- ------------- -----------------------
     November 31 October 31  Δ, % from 01.01.24 November October   Δ, %
---- ----------- ---------- ----- ------------- -------- ------- ------
HSBK      246.92     218.62 +12.9         +50.9  2,011.7 1,114.5  +80.5
KZTK   43,318.00  38,500.00 +12.5         +25.6  6,546.1 3,084.6 +112.2
CCBN    2,148.00   1,945.00 +10.4        +119.8    626.8   151.8 +312.9
KZAP   20,480.00  18,999.00  +7.8         +10.9    812.9   992.2  -18.1
AIRA      789.79     757.90  +4.2         -33.6  1,484.8   483.2 +207.3
KMGZ   13,997.87  13,579.98  +3.1         +21.3  1,064.8   661.9  +60.9
KCEL    3,449.98   3,346.99  +3.1         +76.5  3,149.7 1,916.5  +64.3
KEGC    1,477.99   1,442.00  +2.5          -0.3  1,193.2 1,362.8  -12.4
KZTO      813.99     811.83  +0.3          -5.9    379.9   610.4  -37.8
KSPI   55,820.00  56,495.99  -1.2         +22.4  1,125.2 1,698.2  -33.7

According to the results of November 2024, the capitalization of the equity market amounted to 32.6 trillion tenge (63.6 bn USD), which is 961.7 bn tenge, or 3.0%, higher than the same indicator of the previous month.

                        November 29 October 31    Change Change, %
----------------------- ----------- ---------- --------- ---------
Capitalization, bn KZT    32 624,40  31,662.74   +961.66      +3.0
Capitalization, mln USD   63,595.32  64 822,89 -1 227.57      -1.9

Change in prices of shares included in the representative list for calculating the capitalization of the equity market, as of November 29, 2024:

                                                 Price change /                 
Issuer                                      (date of last transaction) Change, %
------------------------------------------- -------------------------- ---------
ULMUS BESSHOKY JSC                             169,500.00   102,675.64     +65.1
(ULBS)                                         (27.11.24)   (29.08.23)          
------------------------------------------- ------------- ------------ ---------
ForteBank JSC                                        6.31         5.35     +17.9
(ASBN)                                         (29.11.24)   (31.10.24)          
------------------------------------------- ------------- ------------ ---------
Bank CenterCredit JSC                            2,089.98     1,828.00     +14.3
(CCBN)                                         (29.11.24)   (31.10.24)          
------------------------------------------- ------------- ------------ ---------
Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan JSC                       246.92       218.62     +12.9
(HSBK)                                         (29.11.24)   (31.10.24)          
------------------------------------------- ------------- ------------ ---------
Kazakhtelecom JSC                               43,318.00    38,500.00     +12.5
(KZTK)                                         (29.11.24)   (31.10.24)          
------------------------------------------- ------------- ------------ ---------
Bank CenterCredit JSC                            2,148.00     1,945.00     +10.4
(CCBN)                                         (29.11.24)   (31.10.24)          
------------------------------------------- ------------- ------------ ---------
Ust-Kamenogorsk Titanium and                    23,100.00    21,000.00     +10.0
Magnesium Plant JSC (UTMK)                     (21.11.24)   (24.10.24)          
------------------------------------------- ------------- ------------ ---------
NAC "Kazatomprom" JSC (KZAP)                    20,480.00    18,999.00      +7.8
                                               (29.11.24)   (31.10.24)          
------------------------------------------- ------------- ------------ ---------
BAST JSC (BAST)                                  7,500.00     6,990.00      +7.3
                                               (29.11.24)   (31.10.24)          
------------------------------------------- ------------- ------------ ---------
AltynGold plc (GB_ALTN)                       1,022.33       974.50         +4.9
                                             (29.11.24)    (31.10.24)           
------------------------------------------- ------------- ------------ ---------
Mangistaumunaygas JSC                         5,994.00      5,735.01        +4.2
(MMGZp)                                      (29.11.24)    (31.10.24)           
------------------------------------------- ------------- ------------ ---------
Teniz Capital Investment Banking JSC (IFDR)      6,400.00     7,000.00      -8.6
                                               (29.11.24)   (31.10.24)          
* the table shows changes in stock prices exceeding +/- 5%.
