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Market and Company News
25.09.2024 18:05 #Trading information

Toyota Financial Services Kazakhstan MFO on September 25 raised KZT5.0 bn on KASE by placing five-year bonds KZ2P00011976 (MFTFb4) at 14.00 % APR

/KASE, September 25, 2024/ – A special trading session for the offering of bonds KZ2P00011976 (KASE main market, "bonds" category, MFTFb4; KZT1,000; KZT5.0 bn; 25.09.24 – 25.09.29; 30/360) of Toyota Financial Services Kazakhstan MFO LLP (Almaty) was held in the trading system of Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE) today. Below are parameters of the bid and results of the special trading session.


------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------
Number of participants:                                 1                     
Number of orders submitted (all / active ones),         2 / 2                 
– limit:                                                2 / 2                 
– market:                                               0 / 0                 
Volume of active orders*, mln tenge,                    5,000.0               
– limit:                                                5,000.0               
– market:                                               0.0                   
Bid to ask:                                             100.0 %               
Rate of coupon on orders submitted, % APR               14.0000               
(all / active):                                                               
* active orders – orders not annulled by trade participants at expiry of order
  submission period including those confirmed by Confirmation System          
The total volume of active orders came from institutional investors.
OFFERING RESULTS:                                                             
------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------
Volume of orders executed, bonds:                       5,000,000             
Volume of orders executed, KZT:                         5,000,000,000.0       
Number of orders executed:                              2                     
Number of participants, whose orders                    1                     
were executed:                                                                
Volume of orders executed, % of plan:                   100.0                 
Rate of coupon in executed orders, % APR:               14.0000               

According to the Central Securities Depository (Almaty), deals on this offering by the end of settlements based on the results of the trades were executed in full.


-------------------------------------- ---------------------------
Trade date:                            25.09.24                   
Announced offering volume, tenge:      5,000,000,000              
Lot size, pieces:                      1                          
Trade subject:                         coupon rate                
Purchase order types:                  limit                      
Order submission method:               closed                     
Order collection period:               10:00–12:00                
Order confirmation period:             10:00–12:30                
Cut-off time:                          14:30 (Т+0)                
Payment date and time:                 25.09.24, 14:30            
Order cut-off method:                  orders are cut-off, whose  
                                       prices are equal to or     
                                       above the cut-off price    
Limit order execution method           at single cut-off price    
depending on the prices of orders:                                
Limit order execution method depending by the time of acceptance  
on the order of their submission:      of offset orders           
Trade initiator:                       Subsidiary of Halyk Bank of
                                       Kazakhstan "Halyk Finance" 
