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Market and Company News
13.09.2024 09:00 #Trading information

Today, KASE holds specialized auctions for the placement of 73.0 million KZ2C00011880 (INBNb16) bonds of Bank “Bank RBK” JSC

/KASE, 13.09.24/ – As previously reported, today in the trading system of Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE), specialized auctions are being held for the placement of KZ2C00011880 (main site of KASE, "bonds" category, INBNb16) bonds of Bank “Bank RBK” JSC (Almaty) on the following terms (Astana time).

Type of securities:                  coupon bonds                                  
ISIN:                                KZ2C00011880                                  
KASE trading code:                   INBNb16                                       
Nominal value, tenge:                1,000                                         
Issue volume, tenge:                                                                        
– registered:                        80,000,000,000                                
– placed (at par):                   –                                             
Circulation start date:              date of the first auction for the placement 
                                     of bonds                                        
Last circulation day:                to be determined later                        
Start date of redemption:            to be determined later                        
Circulation term:                    7 years (2 520 days)                          
Coupon rate:                         floating (inflation index + fixed margin), the
                                     margin will be determined based on the       
                                     results of the first auctions held for the   
                                     placement of bonds                           
Coupon payment frequency:            2 times a year                                
Coupon payment start dates:          to be determined later                        
Temporary base:                      30 / 360                                      
--------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
Auction date:                                 13.09.24                                      
Announced offering volume, tenge:             73,000,000,000                                
Lot size, pcs:                                1                                             
Subject of auction:                           fixed margin rate                             
Type of purchase orders:                      limited                                       
Order submission method:                      closed                                        
Order collection time:                        11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.                       
Order confirmation time:                      11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.                        
Cutoff time:                                  3:00 p.m. (Т+0)                               
Payment date and time:                        13.09.24, 3:00 p.m.                           
Order cutoff method:                          orders whose prices are equal to or lower     
                                              than the cutoff price are cut off            
Method of satisfying limited orders depending at a single cutoff price                      
 on the order prices:                                                                       
Method of satisfying limited orders depending by the time of acceptance of counter order    
 on the order of their submission:                                                          
Initiator of the auction:                     Centras Securities JSC                        

The price in the order must indicate the value of the fixed margin rate as a percentage per annum expressed to the second decimal place.

The number of financial instruments in the order must be the number of bonds in pieces. The number of financial instruments in the order must be equal to or a multiple of the lot size.

The product of the number of bonds specified in the order and the nominal value of one bond must be indicated as the volume of the order.

The transaction volume is calculated in accordance with Chapter 4 of the Methodology for Calculating Bond Yields and Bond Transaction Amounts published at the link see more

Calculations are carried out by Central Securities Depository JSC in accordance with its set of rules. The buyer of securities is obliged to ensure the availability of money to pay for the securities purchased by him/her in the account with Central Securities Depository JSC by the payment time indicated in the table.

Orders for participation in the auction can only be submitted by members of the KASE stock market. Other investors can apply through these legal entities. The list of KASE stock market members is published at the link see more

The regulation on the methods of trading in trading and clearing systems is published at the link see more

Detailed information on the issue of these bonds is published at the link see more
