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Market and Company News
11.09.2024 18:05 #Trading information

Bank “Bank RBK” JSC raised 7.2 billion tenge on KASE on September 11 by placing KZ2C00011336 (INBNb15) bonds with a yield of 14.50% per annum

/KASE, 11.09.24/ – Today, Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE) trading system hosted specialized auctions for the placement of KZ2C00011336 (main site of KASE, “commercial bonds” category, INBNb15; 1,000 tenge, 50.0 billion tenge; 22.05.24 – 17.05.25, actual/actual) discount bonds Bank “Bank RBK” JSC (Almaty). The following are the demand parameters and the results of specialized auctions.


---------------------------------------------------------- --------------
Number of participants:                                    3             
Number of orders submitted (total / active),               10 / 9        
– limited:                                                 10 / 9        
– market:                                                  0 / 0         
Volume of active orders*, million tenge:                   7,150.9       
– limited:                                                 7,150.9       
– market:                                                  0.0           
Demand to supply:                                          73.3 %        
Discounted price for submitted orders, % of nominal        91.0416       
value (total / active):                                                  
Yield on submitted orders, % per annum (total /            14.5000       
* active orders – orders that have not been canceled by the participants 
  auctions at the time of the order period expiration,                     
  including those confirmed by the participants of the Confirmation system.

In the total volume of active orders, the share of broker-dealer organizations accounted for 5.1%, the share of other institutional investors – 93.9%, the share of other legal entities – 0.7%, the share of individuals – 0.3%.


-------------------------------------------------------- ---------------
Volume of satisfied orders, bonds:                       7,854,567      
Volume of satisfied orders, tenge:                       7,150,923,469.9
Number of satisfied orders:                              9              
Number of participants whose orders are satisfied:       3              
Volume of satisfied orders, % of plan:                   73.3           
Discounted price in satisfied orders,                    91.0416        
% of nominal value:                                                     
Yield of bonds to redemption for the buyer, % per annum: 14.5000        

According to the data of Central Securities Depository JSC (Almaty), transactions on this placement have been executed and satisfied in full by the end of settlements based on the results of trading.


------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------
Auction date:                                    11.09.24                                
Announced offering volume, tenge:                10,722,190,000                          
Lot size, pcs:                                   1                                       
Subject of auction:                              discounted price                        
Type of purchase orders:                         limited                                 
Order submission method:                         closed                                  
Order collection time:                           10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.                  
Order confirmation time:                         10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.                  
Cutoff time:                                     2:30 p.m. (Т+0)                         
Payment date and time:                           11.09.24, 2:30 p.m.                     
Order cut-off method:                            orders whose prices are equal to or     
                                                 lower than the cutoff price are cut off
Method of satisfying limited orders depending on at a single cutoff price                
the order prices:                                                                       
Method of satisfying limited orders depending on by the time of acceptance of counter    
the order of their submission:                  order                                  
Initiator of the auction:                        Teniz Capital Investment                
                                                 Banking JSC                             
