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Market and Company News
01.07.2024 11:16 #Corporate events

Audit report on 2023 financial statements of Lombard Progress LLP released

/KASE, July 1, 2024/ – Lombard Progress LLP (Almaty), with its bonds on the official list of Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE), provided KASE with an audit report on the 2023 financial statements of the company.

Based on audited data as of December 31, 2023 (in thousand KZT, unless otherwise indicated):

                         as of    as of
Parameter             31.12.23 31.12.22
--------------------- -------- --------
Equity capital         147,514  133,805
Total assets           348,061  228,381
Total liabilities      200,547   94,576
Net profit (net loss)   13,709    1,860
ROA, %                    3.94     0.81
ROE, %                    9.29     1.39

Audit of the 2023 financial statements of the company was carried out by ALMIR CONSULTING LLP. According to the auditor's report, the financial statements represent fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Lombard Progress LLP as of December 31, 2023, as well as its financial performance and cash flows for the year ended on that date subject to the IFRS.

The report is released on the KASE Internet resource at see more
