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Market and Company News
03.06.2024 17:32 #Instruments

As of June 3 bonds KZ2P00011448 (ORNTpp1) of Orient Group KZ included in KASE official list's "Private placement" market

/KASE, June 3, 2024/ – As announced earlier, On May 31, 2024 the Listing commission of Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE) decided to include bonds KZ2P00011448 (ORNTpp1; KZT1,000, KZT7.0 bn, 10 years; semi-annual coupon, 19.75 % APR; 30/360) of Orient Group KZ LLP (Qaraghandy) in KASE official list's "Private placement" market.

The coupon interest rate on these bonds is subsidized by "Damu" Entrepreneurship development fund JSC: the subsidized part is 13.75 % per annum, the unsubsidized part is 6.00 % per annum.

The effective date of this decision of the Listing commission is June 3, 2024.

More detailed information on said bond issue is available at see more
