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Market and Company News
26.02.2024 10:06 #Corporate events

Main Waterline announces revision of tariffs as of March 1, 2024

/KASE, February 26, 2024/ – Main Waterline LLP (Atyrau), whose bonds are officially listed on Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE), has provided KASE with the following press release:


Hereby the LLP "Main Water Line" hereby informs that by the order of the Department of the Committee for the Regulation of Natural Monopolies of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the Atyrau Region (hereinafter referred to as the DCRNM) dated February 15, 2024, No. 9-OD, amendments have been made to the DCRNM order dated August 19, 2022, No. 74-OD "On approval of tariffs and tariff estimates of the limited liability partnership "Main Water Line" for the regulated service of water supply through main pipelines for the years 2022-2027" with effect from March 1, 2024, as follows:

  • Residential, budgetary, and non-profit organizations, as well as other enterprises providing communal services to the population, budgetary and non-profit organizations – 18.04 tenge/m³;
  • Agricultural producers – 64.98 tenge/m³;
  • Industrial enterprises and other commercial organizations – 683.75 tenge/m³;
  • Oil and gas production enterprises – 2,044.51 tenge/m³.

Taking this into account, the average tariff has increased from 626.66 to 683.75 tenge/m³ or by of 57.09 tenge/m³, which represents a 9.1% gain.


The complete press release in Kazakh, Russian and English is available on – see more
