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Market and Company News
03.01.2024 18:09 #Trading information

Volume of trades in "KASE Global" sector in December totaled KZT2,074.1 mln ($4,536.3 th.)

/KASE, January 3, 2024/ – Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE) presents the results of securities trading in the "KASE Global" sector in December 2023.

Over the specified period the following deals were concluded in the "KASE Global" sector:

  • 6,616 deals with 68,684 shares of 36 companies for a total of KZT1,812.4 mln;
  • 354 deals with 19,885 ETF of eight funds for a total of KZT261.7 mln.
                                   Number of        Change in
            Trading   Number of instruments,            price
Ticker  volume, USD deals, pcs.         pcs. during period, %
------- ----------- ----------- ------------ ----------------
OXY_KZ    637,225.9          20       10,909             +1.5
KO_KZ     572,143.8         547        9,263             +0.5
JNJ_KZ    398,975.7         103        2,397             -1.0
PFE_KZ    344,948.2         930       11,991             -0.4
PYPL_KZ   268,578.4         402        4,410             +3.0
URA_KZ    217,803.9         101        7,579             -4.3
AMD_KZ    202,542.5         230        1,568            +21.4
BAC_KZ    182,358.7         385        5,713             +8.8
AAPL_KZ   154,294.4         347          796             +0.7
TSLA_KZ   151,809.5         319          623             +4.0
INTC_KZ   135,811.8         403        2,996            +14.9
GDX_KZ    126,869.7          73        4,104             -2.5
BITO_KZ   117,266.8         135        5,507             +6.3
COP_KZ    111,852.8           5          936             +0.7
CRM_KZ    100,045.8          18          399             +1.2
DIS_KZ     94,500.0           4        1,000             -2.5
EWQ_KZ     88,374.0          11        2,290             +3.8
MSFT_KZ    85,376.5          62          229             +0.4
NVDA_KZ    77,175.0          79          162             +5.9
F_KZ       69,303.3       1,096        5,989            +15.2
T_KZ       69,037.9         457        4,135             +0.1
MTB_KZ     45,181.6          12          324             +3.3
VZ_KZ      38,404.9         101        1,019             -2.3
META_KZ    37,362.1          68          110             +9.0
SBUX_KZ    35,354.0         101          365             -3.2
AAL_KZ     28,535.6         424        1,970             +5.5
NKE_KZ     28,184.6         151          248             -4.3
C_KZ       28,048.1          74          579             +8.9
XOM_KZ     23,361.9         127          222             -2.9
IGLB_KZ    18,452.8           9          349             +5.0
AMZN_KZ    15,821.4          47           97             +3.3
BA_KZ      12,415.0          19           51            +11.5
NEM_KZ      4,362.1          29          101             +0.5
MU_KZ       4,314.4          38           52            +12.4
HYG_KZ      3,097.7          11           40             +1.8
CAT_KZ      1,956.9           5            7            +15.2
NFLX_KZ     1,584.7           3            4             +4.5
JPM_KZ      1,090.5           2            7             +8.5
MA_KZ         830.0           2            2             +2.9
XLU_KZ        451.3           6            7             -0.3
LQD_KZ        434.4           3            4             +3.3
XLP_KZ        214.2           3            3             +1.5
FTNT_KZ       205.6           1            5            +11.5
FCX_KZ        157.0           4            4             +8.5
AIR_KZ        147.2           1            1             +1.2
FLGB_KZ        49.7           2            2             +1.0
BOTZ_KZ           –           –            –             +5.4
ABT_KZ            –           –            –             +4.9
AEP_KZ            –           –            –             +0.9
MRNA_KZ           –           –            –            +24.6
QCOM_KZ           –           –            –            +11.5
BIIB_KZ           –           –            –            +10.3
M_KZ              –           –            –            +17.5
TXN_KZ            –           –            –             +9.8
UBER_KZ           –           –            –             +7.4
------- ----------- ----------- ------------ ----------------
TOTAL   4,536,311.9       6,970       88,569                 
* Price change in the markets of origin.

The following securities accounted for the largest trading volume during said period:

  • US6745991058 (OXY_KZ) of Occidental Petroleum Corp. – 20 deals in the total amount of KZT291.1 mln;
  • US1912161007 (KO_KZ) of The Coca-Cola Company – 547 deals in the total amount of KZT261.1 mln;
  • US4781601046 (JNJ_KZ) of Johnson & Johnson – 103 deals in the total amount of KZT182.0 mln.

Among the main categories of investors, broker-dealer organizations accounted for 28.5 %, other legal entities – for 17.8 %. Individuals accounted for 53.7 % of the total amount of deals.

At present, KASE Global sector includes 56 securities of 53 foreign issuers, including 45 shares and 11 ETFs of foreign issuers.
