Market and Company News
Volume of trades in "KASE Global" sector in November amounted to KZT1,439.4 mln ($3,101.0 th.)
/KASE, December 1, 2023/ – Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE) presents the results of securities trading in the "KASE Global" sector in November 2023.
Over the specified period the following deals were concluded in the "KASE Global" sector:
- 5,872 deals with 46,964 shares of 34 companies for a total of KZT1,378.3 mln;
- 196 deals with 3,603 ETF of seven funds for a total of KZT61.1 mln.
------------------------------------------------------------- Number of Change in Trading Number of instruments, price Ticker volume, USD deals, pcs. pcs. during period, % ------- ----------- ----------- ------------ ---------------- TSLA_KZ 476,054.7 388 2,069 +19.5 AAPL_KZ 340,840.1 391 1,870 +11.2 INTC_KZ 208,437.0 354 5,166 +22.5 CRM_KZ 204,391.2 37 888 +25.4 AMD_KZ 185,521.0 292 1,611 +23.0 NVDA_KZ 167,203.8 104 356 +14.7 BAC_KZ 158,053.0 373 5,433 +15.8 MU_KZ 153,556.3 40 2,033 +13.8 OXY_KZ 138,065.1 6 2,241 -4.3 PYPL_KZ 133,357.4 410 2,392 +11.2 T_KZ 117,525.2 443 7,480 +7.6 VZ_KZ 92,794.5 113 2,601 +9.1 PFE_KZ 68,890.5 501 2,284 -0.3 META_KZ 64,201.4 52 197 +8.6 KO_KZ 60,108.6 486 989 +3.5 C_KZ 59,453.3 69 1,371 +16.7 F_KZ 54,229.1 913 4,558 +5.2 MSFT_KZ 46,593.8 71 128 +12.1 CAT_KZ 45,090.5 16 187 +10.9 XOM_KZ 41,942.2 82 385 -2.9 GDX_KZ 37,612.7 79 1,313 +11.8 JNJ_KZ 33,749.1 76 224 +4.3 MTB_KZ 33,291.9 7 276 +13.7 LQD_KZ 32,542.5 5 314 +7.2 SBUX_KZ 32,325.6 78 318 +7.7 URA_KZ 23,948.6 75 874 +7.9 AAL_KZ 22,907.2 434 1,628 +11.5 FLGB_KZ 20,082.9 5 844 +6.6 HYG_KZ 13,449.7 13 181 +4.3 NKE_KZ 11,632.3 80 109 +7.3 AMZN_KZ 7,808.8 27 50 +9.8 MA_KZ 4,676.0 3 11 +10.0 NEM_KZ 3,320.1 6 83 +7.3 IGLB_KZ 2,721.8 8 58 +10.4 BA_KZ 1,639.5 7 8 +24.0 JPM_KZ 918.7 4 6 +12.2 COP_KZ 456.2 4 4 -2.7 EWQ_KZ 454.2 4 12 +9.1 AIR_KZ 420.5 2 3 +7.9 XLU_KZ 366.8 6 6 +5.1 MRNA_KZ 213.0 2 3 +2.3 FCX_KZ 80.0 1 2 +10.5 XLP_KZ 69.2 1 1 +4.1 ABT_KZ – – – +10.3 AEP_KZ – – – +5.3 BIIB_KZ – – – -1.5 FTNT_KZ – – – +13.6 IBM_KZ – – – -8.1 M_KZ – – – +9.6 NFLX_KZ – – – +30.2 QCOM_KZ – – – +15.1 TXN_KZ – – – +18.4 DIS_KZ – – – +7.5 UBER_KZ – – – +30.3 ------- ----------- ----------- ------------ ---------------- TOTAL 3,100,996.0 6,068 50,567 ------------------------------------------------------------- * Price change in the markets of origin.
The following securities accounted for the largest trading volume during said period:
- US88160R1014 (TSLA_KZ) of Tesla, Inc. – 388 deals in the total amount of KZT221.0 mln;
- US0378331005 (AAPL_KZ) of Apple Inc. – 391 deals in the total amount of KZT158.8 mln;
- US4581401001 (INTC_KZ) of Intel Corporation – 354 deals in the total amount of KZT96.7 mln.
Among the main categories of investors, broker-dealer organizations accounted for 29.8 %, other legal entities – for 8.5 %. Individuals accounted for 61.7 % of the total amount of deals.
At present, KASE Global sector includes 54 securities of 52 foreign issuers, including 45 shares and 9 ETFs of foreign issuers.