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Market and Company News
14.11.2023 15:30 #Trading information

Volume of trades in "KASE Global" sector from November 1 through 13  totaled KZT680.5 mln ($1,457.3 th.)

/KASE, November 14, 2023/ – Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE) presents the results of securities trading in the "KASE Global" sector from November 1 through 13, 2023.

Over the specified period the following deals were concluded in the "KASE Global" sector:

  • 2,391 deals with 21,588 shares of 32 companies for a total of KZT641.1 mln;
  • 106 deals with 1,872 ETF of nine funds for a total of KZT39.4 mln.
                                   Number of        Change in
            Trading   Number of instruments,            price
Ticker  volume, USD deals, pcs.         pcs. during period, %
------- ----------- ----------- ------------ ----------------
TSLA_KZ     273,699         116        1,201             -4.5
AAPL_KZ     226,407         180        1,262             +3.3
AMD_KZ       97,089         124          871             +1.1
PYPL_KZ      92,488         170        1,677             -3.2
NVDA_KZ      91,513          49          201             +4.3
INTC_KZ      84,454         139        2,227             -0.9
VZ_KZ        69,672          60        1,963             -1.1
T_KZ         68,672         207        4,402             -1.6
OXY_KZ       50,414           2          810             -3.9
META_KZ      44,037          28          137             +1.9
BAC_KZ       36,721         125        1,321             -3.1
LQD_KZ       32,542           5          314             -0.2
MTB_KZ       31,399           5          261             -4.2
MSFT_KZ      27,025          38           76             +2.2
F_KZ         26,897         412        2,218             -8.1
PFE_KZ       24,887         183          821             -5.1
C_KZ         23,320          20          562             -1.8
KO_KZ        20,997         184          347             -0.1
GDX_KZ       20,527          45          722             -6.4
CAT_KZ       19,696           8           83             -2.7
URA_KZ       17,188          32          638             -1.1
JNJ_KZ       16,274          30          108             -2.6
SBUX_KZ      13,933          43          138             -0.4
HYG_KZ       12,923          10          174             -1.0
XOM_KZ       12,583          31          117             -4.5
AAL_KZ        9,015         181          638             -1.9
NEM_KZ        3,200           3           80            -13.0
NKE_KZ        3,117          28           30             -0.1
CRM_KZ        2,516           7           12             +1.2
MU_KZ           906          10           12             +1.4
IGLB_KZ         736           6           16              0.0
BA_KZ           582           2            3             -0.9
AMZN_KZ         500           2            4             +1.4
MA_KZ           386           1            1             +0.5
AIR_KZ          275           1            2             -0.9
XLU_KZ          245           4            4             -3.0
MRNA_KZ         142           1            2            -10.3
COP_KZ          120           1            1             -4.7
XLP_KZ           69           1            1             -0.4
FLGB_KZ          47           2            2             -0.8
EWQ_KZ           35           1            1             -0.2
ABT_KZ            –           –            –             -2.4
AEP_KZ            –           –            –             -3.1
FCX_KZ            –           –            –             -5.4
FTNT_KZ           –           –            –             -1.6
NFLX_KZ           –           –            –             +0.6
QCOM_KZ           –           –            –             +0.5
BIIB_KZ           –           –            –            -10.0
M_KZ              –           –            –            -14.4
TXN_KZ            –           –            –             -4.6
UBER_KZ           –           –            –             +4.8
JPM_KZ            –           –            –             +0.9
IBM_KZ            –           –            –             -0.9
DIS_KZ            –           –            –             +6.2
------- ----------- ----------- ------------ ----------------
TOTAL     1,457,250       2,497       23,460                 
* Price change in the markets of origin.

The following securities accounted for the largest trading volume during said period:

  • US88160R1014 (TSLA_KZ) of Tesla, Inc. – 116 deals in the total amount of KZT127.6 mln;
  • US0378331005 (AAPL_KZ) of Apple Inc. – 180 deals in the total amount of KZT106.0 mln;
  • US0079031078 (AMD_KZ) of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. – 124 deals in the total amount of KZT45.4 mln.

Among the main categories of investors, broker-dealer organizations accounted for 31.1 %, other legal entities – for 11.8 %. Individuals accounted for 57.1 % of the total amount of deals.

At present, KASE Global sector includes 54 securities of 52 foreign issuers, including 45 shares and 9 ETFs of foreign issuers.
