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Market and Company News
29.06.2023 19:25 #Instruments

From June 30, KASE opens trading in trust certificates XS2624614751 (ICD_e1) of ICD Eagle Limited

/KASE, June 29, 2023/ – Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE) announces that from June 30, 2023, it opens trading in trust certificates XS2624614751 (sector "securities of international financial organizations", ICD_e1; 2.0 bln tenge; 21.06.23 – 21.06.28, semi-annual payments, periodic payment rate of 14.95% p.a.; 30/360) of ICD Eagle Limited. These trust certificates are issued under the guarantee of the Islamic Corporation for the Development of the Private Sector (in relation to payment obligations arising within the portfolio of the corresponding series of trust certificates).

Quotation accuracy of the said trust certificates in the KASE trading system is set to the second decimal place of the "dirty" price of the trust certificate, expressed in the quotation currency, the quotation currency is Kazakhstan tenge.

More details about the issue of these trust certificates are available at see more
