Overview of KASE equity market March 2023
/KASE, April 12, 2023 / – Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE) presents an overview of the equity market in March 2023.
The volume of trading in shares in March 2023 amounted to 15.8 billion tenge, having decreased by 43.7%, or 12.3 billion tenge, compared to February. The entire trading volume fell on the secondary market. The average daily trading volume amounted to KZT832.9 mln, the average daily number of deals – 2,248, the average volume of one deal – KZT370.4 th.
------------------------------------------------------------ Volume, billion tenge March 31 February 28 Δ, % Δ, % -------------- ----- -------- From March February 01.01.23 ---------- -------- ----------- ---- -------- ----- -------- KASE Index 3,351.23 3,338.90 +0.4 +3.1 15.1 23.1 ------------------------------------------------------------
The volume of trading in index securities in March amounted to 15.1 billion tenge, which is by 34.8%, or 8.1 billion tenge, lower than in February. The largest trading volume fell on shares of NC KazMunayGas JSC (71.4%, or 10.8 billion tenge).
Based on March results, the value of KASE Index increased by 0.4 % to 3,351.23 points. Three out of nine representatives of the index basket closed the month in the green zone.
------------------------------------------------------------------ Last deal price, Δ , % Trading volume, tenge per share million tenge -------------------------- --------- ------------------------ --------- March 31 February 28 Δ, % from March February Δ, % 01.01.2 3 ---- --------- ----------- ---- --------- -------- -------- ------ CCBN 680.00 630.00 +7.9 +6.3 944.0 237.9 +296.8 HSBK 136.86 127.30 +7.5 +8.2 1,263.8 236.9 +433.5 KCEL 1,790.00 1,771.00 +1.1 +3.8 1,043.1 1,228.3 -15.1 KEGC 1,618.02 1,618.89 -0.1 -0.1 105.3 43.6 +141.5 KSPI 34,702.66 34,844.00 -0.4 +4.5 208.2 322.7 -35.5 KZTK 29,034.00 29,490.01 -1.5 +2.4 187.5 163.2 +14.9 KZAP 13,386.99 13,601.32 -1.6 +4.0 370.4 461.0 -19.7 KMGZ 9,320.00 9,765.00 -4.6 ( 10,752.6 20,303.2 -47.0 KZTO 640.03 708.99 -9.7 -12.8 179.0 109.2 +63.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------
Based on March results, the largest growth was shown by common shares of Bank CenterCredit JSC, which added 7.9%. According to the unaudited report, the bank's net profit for 2022 increased from 18.9 to 145.0 billion tenge. From March 15 to March 17, the bank paid dividends on preferred shares for 2022 at 42.00 tenge per share. On March 20 S&P Global Ratings affirmed the rating of Bank CenterCredit JSC at "В+/В" with a "Stable" outlook.
Common shares of Halyk Savings Bank of Kazakhstan JSC closed the month with a slight lag, adding 7.5% to KZT136.9 per share. This is the highest price since February 2022. On March 14, the Group published its annual report for 2022, according to which net profit increased by 19.8% to 553.8 billion tenge. The annual general meeting of shareholders, which will discuss the distribution of net income for 2022, is scheduled for May 25. On March 20 S&P Global Ratings affirmed the bank's rating at "BB+" with a "Stable" outlook.
The third place in terms of growth rates in March with a result of 1.1% is occupied by common shares of Kcell JSC. On March 31, the operator published its annual report for 2022, according to which net profit increased by 25% to 40 billion tenge. At the same time, on March 20, the Board of Directors issued a recommendation to the General Meeting of Shareholders not to distribute net income for the 2022 financial year and not to pay dividends on common shares of Kcell JSC in connection with the implementation of the strategic project "Introduction and development of fifth generation cellular communications (5G\IMT) in the Republic of Kazakhstan", given that the implementation of the project will lead to a strain on the company's cash flow in 2023. The annual general meeting of shareholders of the company will be held on May 18.
Shares of KEGOC ended the month with a symbolic decrease of 0.1%. On March 14, S&P Global Ratings confirmed the rating of the energy company at "ВВ+", the outlook was revised from negative to stable.
Common shares of National Atomic Company Kazatomprom JSC decreased in price by 1.6% over the month. On March 17, the company summed up the results for 2022. Consolidated revenue increased by 45% to 1 trillion tenge, while net profit increased by 115% to 473 billion tenge.
Ordinary shares of National Company "KazMunayGas" JSC decreased in March by 4.6% to 9,320 tenge per share. On March 15, financial results were announced, according to which the Group's revenue increased by 34.5% to 8.7 trillion tenge, net profit – by 2.4% to 1.3 trillion tenge.
The biggest loss in March was recorded by common shares of KazTransOil JSC, which lost 9.7% in price. On March 10, the company announced financial results for 2022, according to which consolidated revenue increased by 7.3% to 255.6 billion tenge, while consolidated net income decreased by 60.9% to 19.8 billion tenge, mainly due to the growth of operating period expenses. During the quarter, KazTransOil JSC actively worked on diversifying the directions of supplies of Kazakh oil: in February-March, the company ensured the supply of Kazakh oil in the amount of 40 thousand tons to Germany, in April the supply of oil is planned to be increased to 100 thousand tons. The Group announced a significant increase in tariffs from May 1, 2023. On March 9, 2023, the international rating agency S&P Global Ratings revised the outlook on the rating of KazTransOil JSC from "Negative" to "Stable" due to a change in the outlook on the rating of NC "KazMunayGas" JSC, which in turn reflects the revision of the outlook on sovereign ratings.
KASE equity market
The capitalization of the equity market in March amounted to 21.6 trillion tenge (48.1 billion USD). Over the month, capitalization decreased by 1.4 % or 0.3 trillion tenge, which is due to a decrease in prices of shares listed on KASE.
As of the end of March 2022, there were 102 shares of 88 issuers listed on KASE , including in the unlisted sector – three names of shares of three companies.
------------------------------------------------------------------- March 31 February 31 Change Change, % --------------------------- --------- ----------- ------- --------- Capitalization, billion KZT 21,567.56 21,865.31 -297.75 -1.4 Capitalization, million USD 48,136.51 48,682.62 -546.11 -1.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------
Change in prices of shares included in the representative list for calculating the capitalization of the equity market, as of March 31, 2023:
---------------------------------------------------------- Issuer Price change / Change, % (date of last transaction) --------------------- -------------------------- --------- Bank CenterCredit JSC 680.00 630.00 +7.9 (CCBN) (31.03.23) (28.02.23) Halyk Savings Bank 136.86 127.30 +7.5 of Kazakhstan JSC (31.03.23) (28.02.23) (HSBK) Rakhat JSC (RAHT) 14 999.99 14 187.00 +5.7 (31.03.23) (28.02.23) First Heartland Jysan 731.00 855.00 -14.5 Bank JSC ( TSBNp ) (31.03.23) (27.02.23) AltynGold plc 762.00 893.00 -14.7 (GB_ALTN) (31.03.23) (28.02.23) KazTransOil JSC 640.03 708.99 -9.7 (KZTO) (31.03.23) (28.02.23) KM GOLD JSC 146.05 160.00 -8.7 (KMGD) (31.03.23) (28.02.23)
* in table are given changes prices By shares exceeding +/- 5%.
[ 2023-04-12]