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09.02.2023 21:50 #Trading information

Overview of KASE equity market in January 2023

/KASE, February 9, 2023/ – Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE) presents an overview of the equity market in January 2023.

The volume of trading in shares in January amounted to 19.0 bn tenge, having decreased by 90.4 %, or 179.3 bn tenge, compared to December .

In the reporting month, as part of the subscription, AMF Group JSC issued 561,678 common shares at a price of KZT258.00 per share for a total of KZT144.9 mln.

In the secondary market, the trading volume amounted to 18.9 bn tenge. The average daily trading volume amounted to KZT944.0 mln, the average daily number of deals – 2,990, the average volume of one deal – KZT315.7 th.

KASE Index in January increased by 1.5 % and by the end of the month amounted to 3,299.91 points. The maximum value was recorded on January 25 – 3,334.03 points.

Since February 3, 2023, ordinary shares of National company "KazMunayGas" JSC have been included in the calculation of KASE Index. Securities of National company "KazMunayGas" JSC closed January with an increase of 1 %.

                                                   bn tenge
            January December          Δ, %                 
                 31       30               ----------------
                             from 01.01.23 January December
---------- -------- -------- ------------- ------- --------
KASE Index 3,299.91 3,251.64          +1.5     3.3      2.7

The volume of transactions with index shares in January 2023 amounted to 3.3 bn tenge, which is by 616 mln tenge more than in December 2022.

              Last deal price,      Δ, %         Trading volume,
               tenge per share                         mln tenge
     ------------------------- --------- -----------------------
       January  December  Δ, %     from  January December   Δ, %
            31        30       01.01.2 3                        
---- --------- --------- ----- --------- ------- -------- ------
KZAP 14,216.64 12,874.00 +10.4     +10.4   828.3    474.1  +74.7
KZTK 29,190.00 28,362.32  +2.9      +2.9   339.7    324.9   +4.6
KCEL  1,750.00  1,725.00  +1.4      +1.4 1,247.7    444.0 +181.0
KSPI 33,557.22 33,196.50  +1.1      +1.1   125.3    119.4   +4.9
KEGC  1,622.00  1,620.02  +0.1      +0.1    43.7    291.2  -85.0
CCBN    634.69    640.00  -0.8      -0.8    83.5    181.2  -53.9
HSBK    122.95    126.47  -2.8      -2.8   488.3    537.2   -9.1
KZTO    710.00    734.00  -3.3      -3.3   127.8    296.0  -56.8

Common shares of NAC Kazatomprom JSC, according to the results of January, increased in price by 10.4 %. From the beginning of the year until January 25, the share price consistently grew on positive corporate news: on January 5, the company's international ratings were affirmed by Fitch and Moody's at BBB - Stable and Baa 2 Stable, respectively. The company also announced the extension of the subsoil use contracts of two subsidiaries by the Ministry of Energy and the completion of the investment stage of a joint project with the Canadian uranium company Cameco by 2025. From January 27, after the announcement of production results for 2022, the share price began to correct downwards. Based on results of the year, the company's production decreased by 3% to 21.2 thousand tons, sales decreased by 1% to 16.4 thousand tons, while the average selling price increased by 31% to $43.46 per ounce of uranium. In 2023, the company plans to keep production at the level of 20.5-21.5 thousand tons and at the same time reduce sales to 15.4-15.9 thousand tons.

Shares of Kazakhtelecom JSC and Kcell JSC are on the second and third places according to the results of the month with the results of +2.9 % and +1.4 % respectively. On January 11, Kazakhtelecom JSC announced that it plans to resume work on laying fiber-optic communication along the bed of the Caspian Sea together with AzerTelecom and complete the work within one and a half to two years.

Of the index representatives of the financial sector, only common shares of Kaspi.kz JSC, which added 1.1 %, were able to end the month in the green zone. In the middle of the month, Mikhail Lomtadze increased his stake in the fintech giant from 23.42 % to 24.55 %, and buybacks of GDRs on the London Stock Exchange also continue: according to reports posted on the Exchange’s website, 187,173 GDRs worth 13.7 mln USD were repurchased in January. The Group will announce corporate results on 27 February.

Shares of KazTransOil JSC finished the month with the biggest decline, having lost 3.3 % in price. On January 13, confirmation was received from the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation for the transportation in the first quarter of 2023 of 300 th. tons of Kazakh oil through the system of main oil pipelines of Transneft PJSC in the direction of the Adamova Zastava oil delivery point for further delivery to Germany. On January 26, KazTransOil JSC announced production results for 2022. The volume of oil transportation through the system of main oil pipelines decreased by 1.4 % to 40.7 mln tons, while the volume of supplies to the refineries of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the consolidated cargo turnover increased by 5.5 % and 0.5 %, respectively.

KASE equity market

Based on results of January 2023, capitalization of the equity market amounted to 21.7 trln tenge (47.2 bn USD), which is by 524.0 bn tenge, or 2.5 %, more than in the previous month. The main share of the growth fell on the capitalization of NAC Kazatomprom JSC, National company "KazMunayGas" JSC and Kaspi.kz JSC due to an increase in the price of their shares.

                        January 31 December 30     Chng. Chng., %
----------------------- ---------- ----------- --------- --------
Capitalization, bn KZT   21,687.60   21,163.58   +524.02     +2.5
Capitalization, mln USD  47,155.16   45,909.98 +1,245.18     +2.7

As of the end of January, shares of 113 names of 99 issuers were listed on KASE, of which shares of four names of four issuers were admitted to circulation in the "Unlisted securities" sector. In January common shares of Kazburgaz JSC were excluded from KASE official list on the issuer's initiative.

Change in prices of shares included in the representative list for calculating the capitalization of the equity market, as of January 31 2023:

         Issuer                Price change /  Chng., %
                           (date of last deal)         
------------------------ --------------------- --------
Bayan Sulu JSC               440.00     298.99  +47.2  
(BSUL)                   (31.01.23) (30.12.22)         
AltynGold plc                820.00     681.70  +20.3  
(GB_ALTN)                (31.01.23) (30.12.22)         
Bank CenterCredit JSC        420,00     365.65  +14.9  
CCBNp                    (31.01.23) (30.12.22)         
National Atomic Company   14,216.81  12,874.00  +10.4  
Kazatomprom JSC KZAP     (31.01.23) (30.12.22)         
ForteBank JSC (ASBN)           4.29       4.08   +5.1  
                         (31.01.23) (30.12.22)         
KM GOLD JSC (KMGD)           164.49     175.00   -6.0  
                         (31.01.23) (30.12.22)         
* the table shows stock price changes greater than +/- 5%.
