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Market and Company News
27.01.2023 15:30 #Corporate events


/KASE, January 27, 2023/ – Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE) notifies of extending the first competition of the Green Bonds Framework Program for companies and municipalities until January 31, 2023. The competition is organized by the International Finance Corporation (IFC), operating as part of the World Bank group, by the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Regulation and Development of the Financial Market and KASE.

The Green Bonds Program provides for two finalists considering obtaining funding through the issuance of "green" bonds:

  • advisory support for the preparation of a "green" bonds issuance;
  • assistance in the preparation of an independent opinion on the "green" bonds issuance's compliance with international principles (Second Party Opinion).

In order to participate in the competition it is necessary to submit an application from January 10 to January 31, 2023, by filling out the form – see more pR3MNdAtv0eZBIkHwEpA/viewform?usp=pp_url

"Green" bonds are becoming an increasingly popular source of financing for businesses and public sector organizations. Also, the use of funds through the issuance of "green" bonds supports the implementation of sustainable development goals in the framework of environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) and the transformation of the economy toward reducing emissions.

KASE provides the necessary infrastructure for the potential issuers of green and other ESG bonds:

1) Existence of expertise in the listing of green, gender, social and other bonds that comply with the principles of sustainable development;

2) No additional listing requirements;

3) A wide range of organizations that conducts an independent evaluation of projects;

4) Reduced listing fees for ESG bonds.

As part of the Green Bond Program, the IFC is offering the following free services to two companies and municipalities:

  • building a portfolio of projects that can be financed or refinanced with funds raised through "green" bonds;
  • conducting individual training for the Company's ESG team;
  • assistance in obtaining an independent external evaluation (Second party opinion);
  • assistance in the preparation of relevant non-financial reporting.
