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Market and Company News
11.10.2022 12:08 #Corporate events

Overview of KASE equity market in September 2022

/KASE, October 11, 2022/ – Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE) presents an overview of the equity market in September 2022.

                                                        bn tenge    
           September  August  Chg., %    Chg., %    ----------------                
              30        31            from 01.01.22 September August
---------- --------- -------- ------- ------------- --------- ------
KASE Index 3,083.79  3,150.51  -2.1      -16, 1       11.80    7.30 

KASE index decreased by 2.1 % after strong growth in July–August. In general, the third quarter ended successfully for the local equity market. KASE Index managed to win back 17.8 % from the local low recorded on June 17.

             Last deal price,  Change, %      Trading volume,      
               tenge per share                   mln tenge         
     ------------------------- --------- --------------------------
     September    August  Δ, %     from  September  August      Δ,%
            30        31        01.01.22                           
---- --------- --------- ----- --------- --------- ------- --------
CCBN    589.00    527.00 +11.8     +48.0   3,243.3 1,937.4 +1,305.9
KZTK 29,156.00 28,100.00 + 3.8     -18.6     152.8   138.0    +14.8
KSPI 28,100.00 28,118.00  -0.1     -46.2     252.2   342.5    -90.3
KEGC  1,581.99  1,592.50  -0.7     -15.4      45.2    53.2     -8.0
HSBK    122.01    128.97  -5.4     -34.8     914.4 1,509.2   -594.8
KCEL  1,553.00  1,649.00  -5.8      -4.5   6,511.8 2,784.1 +3,727.7
KZAP 13,722.00 14,987.00  -8.4     -18.8     544.6   381.4   +163.2
KZTO    692.99    757.00  -8.5     -36.7     129.6   116.5    +13.1

In September, shares of Bank CenterCredit JSC grew by 11.8 %. At the same time, since the beginning of 2022, the bank's shares have grown in price by 48.0 %. BCC publishes very strong financial reports this year. In 2021, net profit more than doubled - from 12.5 to 20.6 billion tenge, and in the first half of the year amounted to 102.6 billion tenge due to the completion of the merger with Alfa-Bank. The bank did not pay dividends on ordinary shares, but paid 11.7 billion tenge in the form of dividends on preferred shares and redeemed a bond issue for 26.5 billion tenge. Noting the financial institution's improved business position, S&P upgraded the bank's long-term credit rating from "B" to "B+" with a "Stable" outlook.

The second place in terms of growth rates in September was occupied by common shares of Kazakhtelecom JSC, their growth amounted to 3.8%. Despite a slight decrease in the Group's net profit compared to the first half of last year, the company's shareholders decided on October 31 to consider the distribution of net profit.

The minimum negative correction following the results of September was observed for common shares of Kaspi.kz JSC, which, after active growth in July–August, entered a horizontal trend. For the third quarter, common shares and GDRs of Kaspi.kz JSC grew by 15.9 % and 32.1 %, respectively.

Common shares of NAC Kazatomprom JSC at KASE grew by 14.0 % over the quarter, while GDRs were almost two times lower – only 8.1 %. Shares and GDRs of Halyk Bank closed the quarter in different directions. Ordinary shares rose 6.3 % in three months, while GDRs fell 1.5 %.

The common shares of KEGOC completed September with a decrease of 0.7 %. Interestingly, since the beginning of the year, the decline in the price of these shares amounted to 15.4 %, and this was the most insignificant drop among the companies of KASE Index. In addition, the dividend yield of KEGOC shares for 2021 reached 7.2 %, and the company has already set a date for the shareholders' meeting to distribute dividends for the first half of this year. Thus, shares of KEGOC once again confirmed the status of the least volatile instrument in KASE Index basket.

KASE equity market:

Capitalization of the equity market in September changed insignificantly. Growth in tenge amounted to 141.21 billion tenge, or 0.6%, mainly due to the growth of capitalization of Bank CenterCredit JSC from 99.2 to 110.7 billion tenge:

                        September    August 
                               30       31  Change  Change, %                 
----------------------- --------- --------- ------- ---------
Capitalization, bn KZT  22,799.84 22,658.63 +141.21   +0.6   
Capitalization, mln USD 47,809.44 48,405.54 -596.10   -1.2   

Change in prices of shares included in the representative list for calculating the capitalization of the equity market, as of September 30 2022:

        Issuer             Price change /     Change, 
                         (date of last deal)     %*   
----------------------- --------------------- --------
Bank CenterCredit           589.00     527.00  +11.8  
JSC (CCBN)              (30.09.22) (31.08.22)         
Bank CenterCredit           345.00     326.00   +5.8  
JSC (CCBNp)             (30.09.22) (31.08.22)         
NOSTRUM OIL & GAS            22.27      29.00  -23.2  
PLC (GB_NTRM)           (28.09.22) (31.08.22)         
AltynGold PLC               613.00     771.00  -20.5  
(GB_ALTN)               (29.09.22) (31.08.22)         
KazTransOil JSC             692.99     757.00   -8.5  
(KZTO)                  (30.09.22) (31.08.22)         
National Atomic Company  13,722.00  14,987.00   -8.4  
Kazatomprom JSC         (30.09.22) (31.08.22)         
Kcell JSC                 1,553.00   1,649.00   -5.8  
(KCEL)                  (30.09.22) (31.08.22)         
* the table provides changes on  share prices exceeding 5%.
