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Market and Company News
31.10.2019 16:06 #Corporate events

Alma Telecommunications Kazakhstan announces results of litigation over KZT2.2 bn compensation claimed from the company

/KASE, October 31, 2019/ – Alma Telecommunications Kazakhstan (Almaty), whose shares are officially listed on Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE), has provided KASE with the following press release:


On October 21, 2019 a judge of the judicial collegium for civil cases of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan ruled that the RPU "Kazakhstan's society for administration of intellectual property rights" should be denied a cassational appeal of: the decision of Almaty special inter-district economic court dated December 21, 2017 and the Ruling of the judicial collegium for civil cases of Almaty city court dated February 15, 2019, both made in favor of Alma Telecommunications Kazakhstan (with brand ALMA-TV).


The full press release is available on – see more
