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Market and Company News
29.12.2018 15:05 #Corporate events

Development Bank of Kazakhstan opens KZT2.0 bn revolving credit facility for Kainar-AKB for purchase of raw materials for production of starting batteries

/KASE, December 29, 2018/ – Development Bank of Kazakhstan (Astana), whose bonds are officially listed on Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE), has provided KASE with the following press release dated December 29, 2018:


Development Bank of Kazakhstan (subsidiary of National managing holding "Baiterek", hereinafter – the Bank, DBK) opened a KZT2.0 bn three-year revolving credit facility for Kainar-AKB LLP for purchase of raw materials for production of starting batteries with further export of goods. Pre-export financing was provided under the government program "Nurly Zhol".


More details are available on KASE website – see more
