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Market and Company News
14.06.2018 17:53 #Trading information

Akimat of Pavlodar region raised KZT1.2 bn on KASE by placing 2 year bonds KZMJKY020475 (PVK024_047) with a yield of 0.35 % APR on June, 14

/KASE, 14.06.18/ – Special trading session for placement of government bonds of local executive body of Pavlodar region was held in Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE) trading system today.


-------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------
Number of participants:                                  1                    
Number of orders submitted (all / active):               1 / 1                
Volume of active orders*, mln tenge:                     1,161.2              
Bid to ask, %:                                           60.8                 
"Clean" price of submitted order, %:                     100.00               
Coupon rate on an order submitted, % APR:                0.3500               
* active orders – orders not annulled by trade participants at expiry of order
  submission period including those confirmed by Confirmation System          


---------------------------------------- ---------------
Volume of orders executed, bonds:        1,160,000      
Volume of orders executed, tenge:        1,161,150,333.3
Number of orders executed:               1              
Volume of orders executed, % of plan:    60.8           
"Clean" price of submitted orders, %:    100.00         
Bond yield to maturity for buyer, % APR: 0.3500         

According to Central Securities Depository (Almaty), deal on this placement by the end of settlement of trade results was executed.


--------------------------------- ---------------------------------
Trade date:                       14.06.18                                                                       
Term to maturity:                 1.7 years (618 days)                                                           
Declared placement volume, tenge: 1,908,431,000                                                                  
Lot size, pcs.:                   1                                                                              
Trade subject:                    "clean" price                                                                  
Types of buy orders:              limited                                                                        
Order submission method:          closed                                                                         
Order receipt time:               11:30–12:30                                                                    
Order confirmation time:          11:30–13:00                                                                    
Striking time:                    15:30 (Т+0)                                                                    
Payment date and time:            14.06.18 (Т+0)                                                                 
Method of striking orders:        orders, which prices are equal 
                                  or lower than the cut-off price, 
                                  are cutting off
Order execution method:           at cut-off price;                                                              
                                  by the time of receipt of                                                      
                                  counter orders                                                                 
Trading system sector:            MBonds_ST                                                                      
Trading system group:             MS_Bonds_024                                                                   
