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Market and Company News
01.12.2011 17:24 #KASE news

Kazakhmys and akimat of Karaganda region presented complex plan of development of Zhaskazgan region for 2012-2017

/IRBIS, December 1, 2011/ - Kazakhmys and Karaganda region administration have presented a comprehensive plan for economic and social development of Zhezkagan and Satpayev towns of Ulytau district for 2012-2017 years, was stated in the report released today by KAZAKHMYS PLC.

"The plan was developed on behalf of President Nursultan Nazarbayev, and voiced by him during his recent working visit to Karaganda", - was stated in the message.

It is reported that the implementation of the plan is carried out in collaboration with central and local executive authorities. As part of a comprehensive plan Kazakhmys plans to expand the mineral resource base, to take part in activities of industrial-innovative development and modernization of housing and communal services, as well as landscaping and water supply in the region.

"Zhezkazgan was and remains an important region for Kazakhmys. Here the history of Kazakh copper has begun. And the future of our company is firmly associated with Zhezkazgan. I note that the measures announced are not only focused on the maintenance and expansion of the company, but also at improving the welfare of local people" - commented Edward Ogay, Chairman of Kazakhmys, whose words are reported.
