National companies of Kazakhstan will place orders in FEZ "Park of innovation technologies"
/IRBIS, October 28, 2011/ - October 27-28, in the special economic zone "Park of innovation technologies", an exhibition of innovative projects of the companies - participants of the Park, as well as conference devoted to 20th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the 5th anniversary of the completion of construction of the first phase of the Park was held, according to press service of National Innovation Fund JCS.
The event was organized by the Association for the Development of Information Technologies of Park Alatau IT City with the support of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Kazakhstan and LLP "Alatau IT City Management".
The main purpose of the event is to demonstrate the capabilities of the companies - participants of the Park to potential consumers of their products - the national companies and large business entities - in order to encourage the placement of orders in the Park. In turn, the placement of large orders in the Park will contribute to its development, building on its territory clusters, increase the proportion of local content in production of goods and services.
The event was attended by deputies of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, representatives of national companies, JSC "National Innovation Fund", big business, subsoil, the central government and Akimat of Almaty.
"Representatives of the national companies and large businesses presented their innovative strategies for the medium and long term. In turn, the companies - members of the Park have demonstrated their products and growth plans and opportunities for collaboration with national companies and large consumers", - was stated in the report.
According to the Chairman of the Board of JSC "National Innovation Fund" Aydin Kulseitov, now in the PIT virtually no offices in the administrative module are free, production module # 1 is filled for almost 100%, production modules - up to 90%. For comparison - before production module # 1 has not been operating for 5 years. "This suggests that the idea of building a new park of innovative technologies and highly viable business is ready to actively participate in its realization", - said A. Kulseitov.
As indicated, in turn, stressed the President of the Association Amiret Konysbaev, it is important to pay close attention to companies already operating in the park and having a certain innovative potential. "The exhibition is important to show everything made by the company, and during the conference - to discuss innovative solution which problems can FEZ PIT participants solve using strategic alliances and other forms of interaction" - he said.