Enterprises of Karaganda region for the first half of 2011 have manufactured industrial production totaling KZT 655.3 billion
/IRBIS, August 3, 2011/ - Industrial output of enterprises of Karaganda region in the first half of 2011 amounted to 655.3 billion tenge, increasing by 6% over the same period last year. That was reported today by the press service of the Akimat of Karaganda region.
As indicated in the message, in the framework of the Industrialization map were created 9 projects and 507 jobs, implementation of which will affect the construction industry, chemical industry and light industry, manufacturing of fabricated metal products, APC. Total project cost is about 4 billion. Also on the Coordinating Board were approved further 8 projects in Karaganda, Saran, Zhezkazagene, Balkhash, and Shet Zhanaarkinskom areas.
"Investment in fixed assets exceeded 92 billion tenge, or 28% more than the same period last year, including in industry - 64.3 billion tenge", - was stated in the message.
Currently, the share of local content in the procurement of strategic enterprises was 15.7% (25.2 billion). Producers of products supplied by domestic companies on 2,746 contracts amounted to KZT 19.5 billion, the share of local content is 56.1%