Kazakhtelecom (Kazakhstan) signed Memorandums of Cooperation with domestic producers
/KASE, February 23, 09/ - Kazakhtelecom (Astana), the listed company of Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE), informed KASE that on February 23, 2009, Kazakhtelecom within the national "Forum of domestic goods and services producers" signed five Memorandums of Cooperation with the number of Kazakhstan enterprises, potential providers of goods for company telecoms operator needs.
One of the objectives, being solved by Kazakhtelecom is the support of domestic producers through open tenders for procurement of goods and services, ensuring fair competition.
For purposes of implementation of the President of Kazakhstan order on necessity of support of domestic goods producers, use of the available capacity for internal production development in various sectors of Kazakhstan economy, Kazakhtelecom during this year signed Memorandums of Cooperation with ten domestic enterprises. This decision was made in compliance with the company Program on procurement of Kazakhstan goods and services.
Memorandums were signed with companies Promet, Kainar-AKB, Kazenergokabel, Promsvyaz, EAST INDUSTRY COMPANY Ltd.
During the national "Forum of domestic goods and services producers" were signed Memorandums with companies Kaztsentrelectroprovod, Kazsvyazkomplekt, Intelkabel, Zhersu, Zhersu Metal.
Additional information on the Procurement Plan of Kazakhtelecom for 2009 is available at: www.telecom.kz and the procurements hot line 8(727) 258-15-10