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Market and Company News
05.06.2008 16:03 #Issuer news

SB Sberbank JSC (Kazakhstan) and Kaynar AKB LLP conclude cooperation agreement

/KASE, June 5, 08/ - Subsidiary Bank Sberbank of Russia JSC (SB Sberbank JSC, Almaty), bonds of which are traded in the official list of Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE) of category "A", provided KASE with the press release:

Quotation start

SB Sberbank of Russia JSC and Taldykorgan Lead Accumulators Plant Kaynar AKB LLP concluded a cooperation agreement on June 4, 2008. The document was signed by the Chairman of the Management Board of SB Sberbank JSC Oleg Smernov and the General Director of Kaynar AKB LLP Erbol Azhmaganbetov.

In accordance with the agreement SB Sberbank of Russia JSC opened to Kaynar AKB LLP a KZT3.33 bn. five year credit line. The investment will be aimed at introduction of new production technologies and plant production program execution.

"Granting a credit line to Kaynar AKB LLP - is the first huge investment project of SB Sberbank in Kazakhstan", - Chairman of the Management Board of the bank Oleg Smirnov commented on the event, - this is our contribution not only to elaboration of the industry and country growth strategic programs, but development of the region infrastructure and creation of new jobs. Taldykorgan plant completes assembly lines of "KamAZ", "Rostselmash", MAZ, Minsk Tractor Plant, "UralAZ" etc., and our bank participating in this project, not only simplifies their financial relationships, but also gives a new, powerful impulse for mutual cooperation".

Within the frameworks of the agreement a new line was launched in the accumulator shop, equipment for which was acquired by the credited funds, provided by SB Sberbank JSC.

"Funds, granted by SB Sberbank JSC, in the amount of KZT3,33 bn., including KZT1,200 m. for equipment and KZT2,130 m. for investment to turnover capital, will be utilized for production technologies introduction, doubling productivity, expansion of company filial and representative net", - Kaynar AKB LLP General Director Erbol Azhmagambetov noted.

For the time being SB Sberbank JSC has granted to legal entities KZT34.6 bn. of credits. Priority complex cooperation development areas are metallurgical, oil and gas and chemical industries, production and distribution of electrical power, agricultural processing, trade (distribution, trade nets, and retail), and development.

Kaynar AKB LLP 1, Industrialnaya str., Taldykorgan e-mail: region.sbyt@kainar.kz Tel/Fax: 8-7282-27-20-01 www.kainar.kz

Press service of SB Sberbank JSC Almaty: (727) 2500032, ext.119, Fax: (727) 2500063 e-mail: tatyana.shevchenko@sberbank.kz www.sberbank.kz

Quotation end
