Bonds KZ2CКY05B521 (FRMPb1) of Small entrepreneurship development fund JSC (Kazakhstan) were de-listed on KASE at the issuer's initiative from June 2
/KASE, June 2, 08/ - By the decision of Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE) Council of May 30, 2008, bonds KZ2CКY05B521 (FRMPb1; KZT1 000; KZT3.0 bn.; 16.03.05 - 16.03.10; the semi-annual coupon indexed on the inflation rate, 9.00 % APR for the current period) of Small entrepreneurship development fund JSC (Almaty) were removed from the KASE category "A" official list from June 2, 2008, due to de-listing at the issuer's initiative (voluntary de- listing).
Small entrepreneurship development fund JSC applied to KASE with the corresponding letter on May 22, 2008.
According to provided to KASE documents, exclusion of mentioned bonds from the KASE category "A" official list does not lead to infringe rights of investors and securities market professional participants as the issuer re-purchased all previously offered bonds.