KASE's Council deferred consideration of KZ2CКY05B521 (FRMPb1) bonds delisting of Small entrepreneurship development fund JSC until its next session
/KASE, March 28, 08/ - Exchange Council of Kazakhstan stock exchange (KASE) on its session, held on March 27, 2008, accepted a decision to defer until the next session of Exchange Council a consideration of a question on delisting of KZ2CКY05B521 bonds (FRMPb1; KZT1,000, KZT3.0 bn.; March 16, 05 - March 16, 10, semi annual coupon indexed on inflation rate, 9.00 % APR for the current period) of Small entrepreneurship development fund JSC (Almaty).
The question about delisting of mentioned bonds was included in agenda of the session of Exchange Council because of violation of requirements of legislation on presence of listing company with shareholder's equity not less than its authorized capital by Small entrepreneurship development fund JSC.
A decision to direct a letter of Kazyna Fund of stable development (Astana) to Small entrepreneurship development fund JSC shareholder with the information about possibility of delisting of bonds, and also to invite representatives of Small entrepreneurship development fund JSC on the session of Exchange Council for giving answers and explanations, was accepted by Exchange Council.