As of April 2, 48 names of financial instruments will be excluded from list of financial instruments accepted into GCGlobalSec GCC collateral pool

29.03.24 16:35
/KACC, March 29, 2024/ – By a decision of the Management Board of KASE Clearing Centre (KACC), as of April 2, 2024, financial instruments of the stock market of 48 names will be excluded from the list of financial instruments accepted into the General collateral pool of the issue of general collateral certificates (GCC) GCGlobalSec: derivative securities of two names, securities of an investment fund, shares of nine names and shares of foreign issuers of the "KASE Global" sector of 36 names. An updated list of financial instruments accepted into the GCGlobalSec GCC collateral pool will be published on April 2, 2024 at [2024-03-29]