08.02.24 17:56
/KASE, February 8, 2024/ – On February 7, 2024, Kazakhstan Stock Exchange JSC (KASE, or the Exchange) and its 100% subsidiary – KASE Clearing Centre JSC (KACC) – conducted a "KASE Day in Astana". During the event KASE representatives told the audience about KASE's performance in 2023, about the Exchange's projects in progress, the introduction of innovations and new financial instruments, trends and prospects for the development of Kazakhstan's stock market. They also provided an update on the main directions of KASE's Development Strategy for 2024 and information about the development of ESG financing, plans for the launch and trading in tokenized assets on the KASE Digital platform, the development of the Market Data line, KASE's information and analytical products, as well as the development of the KASE Global sector. In addition, a presentation of activities of KASE Clearing Centre was made, which showed KACC's performance over the past year and plans for 2024. The event was attended by representatives of government bodies, officials of the akimdik of the city of Astana, top executives of quasi-public sector companies, heads of large private companies, issuers, investors and professional market participants. A press release dedicated to the event has been published at: - https://kase.kz/files/press/kz/07_02_2024_KASE_Day_in_Astana_kaz.pdf – in Kazakh language; - https://kase.kz/files/press/ru/07_02_2024_KASE_Day_in_Astana_rus.pdf – in Russian; - https://kase.kz/files/press/en/07_02_2024_KASE_Day_in_Astana_eng.pdf – in English. [2024-02-08]