/CORRECTED/ KASE announces concluding interested party transaction
25.08.14 17:30
/KASE, August 25, 14, re-distributed due to correction of the deal conclusion
date/ – On August 8, 2014 Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE) Board of Directors
approved conclusion of additional agreement No. 4 to the Agreement No. 1 on
Service of the Trade Operator dated September 5, 2011 (hereinafter – the
Agreement) with the Central Securities Depository JSC (Almaty) as a transaction
in which KASE has an interest.
According to the Rules of placement on the website of the depository of
financial statements, on the website of the stock exchange – of information on
corporate events, financial statements and auditor's reports approved by
resolution No. 72 of the Management Board of the National Bank of the Republic
of Kazakhstan, we inform you of the following.
1. Value of assets involved in the transaction: not applicable.
2. Date of the most recent appraisal of the assets involved in the transaction:
not applicable.
3. Percentage ration of the value of assets involved in the transaction, to the
total value of assets: not applicable.
4. Main substantial terms of the transaction: for purposes of bringing in line
with the existing practice by the above-mentioned additional agreement
amendments were introduced to the Agreement.
5. Transaction conclusion date: August 19, 2014.
Central Securities Depository JSC (Almaty) in accordance with the sub-item 6 of
item 1 of article 64 of the Act of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Joint-Stock
Companies" is an affiliated party to KASE.