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Listed companies

Listed companies

Status of listed company - is the new important level in your company

To detail with available options to raise the capital and requirements with the disclosure of information


Initial Public offering (IPO) - of shares on stock market sell to the general public. IPO is an important step of any company, which interested in diversification of sources of financing.

The main goal of Initial Public Offering (IPO) is to raise capital of the company, or creation of infrastructure. Not every company can afford to go on public, because its too expensive and prestigious. However, in medium term IPO has a lot of pros, it is worth financial costs.

  • Investments are become as an equity, consequently it doesn't raise the debt;
  • Stock market provides an access to company of wide range of investors
  • Public company has a market value which is higher than value of private companies
  • Public transparency circulation on stock market creating a national marketing channel and its brands
  • The possibility of transparency of selling of shares
  • The improveness of corporate management.

The main stages of IPO

1-2 weeks
Initiation of the process of IPO
  1. Choice and appointment of financial advisor
  2. Choice and appointment of lawyers and other advisors
  3. Analysis of terms of IPO
    • Preferences of Company
    • market "windows" / analysis of the market
  4. Approval of the type and size of placement
    • Public offering on KASE
    • the total placement volume, including new shares and re-placement of existing shares
    • Option of additional placement
  5. Creation of organizational and operational committees to manage the IPO process
2-12 weeks
  1. Drafting of business plan
  2. The introduction of the principles of corporate management:
    • Financial control and reporting
    • Board of Directors
    • Independent Directors
    • Dividend Policy
  3. Instructing of members of the Board of Directors of the company about the duties, obligations and responsibilities of Directors of a public company
  4. Finishing of the process of corporate change
12-20 weeks
Detailed examination
  1. The development of the investment strategy of the company with a financial Advisor
  2. Meeting with the financial analyst consultant to compile an analytical report
  3. Preparation of presentation to potential investors
  4. Preparation Of Investment Memorandum
  5. Development for investors, for general public and employees of the company (if necessary )with the public relations consultant
  6. The conclusion of underwriting Contract
20-24 weeks
Marketing, distribution and public
  1. Participation in road show for investors
  2. Discussion of the offer prices and the request book
  3. Subscription for shares (the placing shares on the stock market) among investors
  4. Analysis of placement results
  5. The opening of secondary trading
  6. Communication support with investors