Trade Information
the total market value of shares of the company – 9 242,83 m. KZT ($18,49 m.)
Telephone: (727) 335 35 45
Republic of Kazakhstan, 070100, Абай обл., Абай ауд., Қасқабұлақ ауылдық округі, Қасқабұлақ ауылы, Мақсұт учаскесі, 1 корпус
Primary activity:
exploration, production and processing of copper ores
Chief executive officer:
Fomichev Sergej President
Symbol ISIN Board Sector Category Trades Index
BAST KZ1C00001015 alternative shares 09.04.15

as of Jan. 1, 2025 ( previous extract )

Shareholder Common shares, pieces Common shares, shareholding % Preferred shares Total shares, pieces Total shares, shareholding %
T.Turlov 1 393 531 74,18 1 393 531 74,18
Public company FREEDOM FINANCE GLOBAL PLC 211 897 11,28 211 897 11,28
Authorized ordinary shares, pieces 5 500 000
Authorized preferred shares, pieces
Issued ordinary shares, pieces 1 878 615
Issued preferred shares, pieces
Treasury ordinary shares, pieces
Treasury preferred shares, pieces
Outstanding ordinary shares, pieces
Outstanding preferred shares, pieces
IndicatorAs of 01.10.24As of 01.07.24
Authorized capital 16 395 198,00 тыс. KZT 16 395 198,00 тыс. KZT
Equity capital 2 838 531,00 тыс. KZT 3 762 039,00 тыс. KZT
Total assets 13 490 370,00 тыс. KZT 13 906 500,00 тыс. KZT
Total liabilities 10 651 839,00 тыс. KZT 10 144 461,00 тыс. KZT
Sales volume 208 006 тыс. KZT 208 006 тыс. KZT
Gross revenue -476 141,00 тыс. KZT -445 902,00 тыс. KZT
Net income -1 979 171,00 тыс. KZT -1 384 398,00 тыс. KZT
Book value of common share 1 430,00 KZT 1 921,00 KZT
ROA -14,67% -9,96%
ROE -69,73% -36,80%
ROS -951,50% -665,56%