Trade Information


coupon international bonds XS2106835262
Development Bank of Kazakhstan JSC
Last coupon rate, % APR : 10,750
Days to maturity: 126
Circulation period: 12.02.20 – 12.02.25
Date/Period Bid Offer Last W-aver High Low Trade Bonds m. KZT th. USD
04.10.24 98,7102 99,3598 0 0,0 0,0
03.10.24 98,7008 99,3554 0 0,0 0,0
From 28.02.20 99,3422 86,6704 106,7911 82,0000 953 10 962 654 768 9 861,5 22 380,9
Date/Period Bid Offer Last W-aver High Low Trade Bonds m. KZT th. USD
04.10.24 1,0038 1,0103 0 0,0 0,0
03.10.24 1,0034 1,0100 0 0,0 0,0
From 28.02.20 1,0089 0,8996 1,1129 0,8360 953 10 962 654 768 9 861,5 22 380,9
Date/Period Bid Offer Last W-aver High Low Trade Bonds m. KZT th. USD
04.10.24 14,60 12,60 0 0,0 0,0
03.10.24 14,60 12,60 0 0,0 0,0
From 28.02.20 12,60 17,22 20,25 8,95 953 10 962 654 768 9 861,5 22 380,9

Last 10 deals with BRKZe10
(except for special trading sessions)

Deal date Deal time Value trend, % Объём бумаг Volume, mln KZT Volume, USD th
02.10.24 16:16:17 99,3422 +0,75 1 000 0,001 0,002
24.09.24 17:12:59 98,5981 -0,71 280 0,000 0,001
24.09.24 11:43:27 99,3075 0 100 0,000 0,000
24.09.24 11:30:02 99,3075 +0,00 10 000 0,010 0,021
23.09.24 16:05:11 99,3032 +0,74 240 0,000 0,001
19.09.24 12:57:05 98,5705 -0,73 10 0,000 0,000
19.09.24 11:53:36 99,2947 +0,03 100 0,000 0,000
12.09.24 13:07:15 99,2651 0 200 0,000 0,000
12.09.24 12:05:38 99,2651 +0,78 100 0,000 0,000
29.08.24 12:17:54 98,5000 -0,71 5 000 0,005 0,010
Deal date Deal time Value trend, % Объём бумаг Volume, mln KZT Volume, USD th
02.10.24 16:16:17 1,0090 +0,75 1 000 0,001 0,002
24.09.24 17:12:59 0,9991 -0,71 280 0,000 0,001
24.09.24 11:43:27 1,0062 0 100 0,000 0,000
24.09.24 11:30:02 1,0062 +0,00 10 000 0,010 0,021
23.09.24 16:05:11 1,0059 +0,74 240 0,000 0,001
19.09.24 12:57:05 0,9980 -0,73 10 0,000 0,000
19.09.24 11:53:36 1,0051 +0,03 100 0,000 0,000
12.09.24 13:07:15 1,0028 0 200 0,000 0,000
12.09.24 12:05:38 1,0029 +0,78 100 0,000 0,000
29.08.24 12:17:54 0,9913 -0,71 5 000 0,005 0,010
Deal date Deal time Value, % APR trend, b.p. Объём бумаг Volume, mln KZT Volume, USD th
02.10.24 16:16:17 12,60 -200 1 000 0,001 0,002
24.09.24 17:12:59 14,60 +200 280 0,000 0,001
24.09.24 11:43:27 12,60 0 100 0,000 0,000
24.09.24 11:30:02 12,60 0 10 000 0,010 0,021
23.09.24 16:05:11 12,60 -200 240 0,000 0,001
19.09.24 12:57:05 14,60 +200 10 0,000 0,000
19.09.24 11:53:36 12,60 0 100 0,000 0,000
12.09.24 13:07:15 12,60 0 200 0,000 0,000
12.09.24 12:05:38 12,60 -173 100 0,000 0,000
29.08.24 12:17:54 14,33 +173 5 000 0,005 0,010

Other securities Development Bank of Kazakhstan JSC

Symbol ISIN Board Sector Category Trades Index
BRKZb2 KZ2C00003002 main debt securities bonds 19.03.15
BRKZb3 KZ2C00003580 main debt securities bonds 12.08.16
BRKZb5 KZ2C00003648 main debt securities bonds 12.08.16
BRKZb6 KZ2C00003713 main debt securities bonds 12.08.16
BRKZb10 KZ2C00004000 main debt securities bonds 16.10.17
BRKZb11 KZ2C00004018 main debt securities bonds 16.10.17
BRKZb12 KZ2C00004026 main debt securities bonds 16.10.17
BRKZb13 KZ2C00004190 main debt securities bonds 10.02.20
BRKZb14 KZ2C00004273 main debt securities bonds 19.08.20 KASE_BM*
BRKZb15 KZ2C00005908 main debt securities bonds 15.08.19
BRKZb17 KZ2C00006286 main debt securities bonds 06.12.19
BRKZb18 KZ2C00006765 main debt securities облигации 12.06.20
BRKZb19 KZ2C00006864 main debt securities облигации 20.08.20 KASE_BM*
BRKZb20 KZ2C00006898 main debt securities облигации 26.01.21
BRKZb21 KZ2C00007102 main debt securities облигации 26.01.21
BRKZb22 KZ2C00007417 main debt securities облигации
BRKZb23 KZ2C00007987 main debt securities облигации
BRKZb24 KZ2C00007904 main debt securities облигации 21.01.22
BRKZb25 KZ2C00008605 main debt securities облигации
BRKZb26 KZ2C00008613 main debt securities облигации
BRKZb27 KZ2C00009132 main debt securities облигации 30.03.23
BRKZb28 KZ2C00009140 main debt securities облигации 23.05.23
BRKZb30 KZ2C00009405 main debt securities коммерческие облигации 12.07.24
BRKZb31 KZ2C00009413 main debt securities коммерческие облигации 12.07.24
BRKZb32 KZ2C00009637 main debt securities облигации 25.04.23
BRKZb33 KZ2C00009645 main debt securities облигации
BRKZb34 KZ2C00010098 main debt securities commercial bonds 26.03.24
BRKZb35 KZ2C00010106 main debt securities commercial bonds
BRKZb36 KZ2C00010346 main debt securities bonds
BRKZb37 KZ2C00010379 main debt securities bonds
BRKZb38 KZ2C00011583 main debt securities bonds
BRKZb39 KZ2C00011575 main debt securities bonds
BRKZb40 KZ2C00012227 main debt securities bonds
BRKZe4 XS0248160102 main debt securities bonds 30.03.06
BRKZe10 XS2106835262 main debt securities bonds 28.02.20
BRKZe11 XS2337670421
main debt securities облигации 28.05.21
BRKZe12 XS2337670694
main debt securities облигации 28.05.21
BRKZe13 XS2472852610
main debt securities облигации 18.05.22
BRKZe14 XS2800066297
main debt securities bonds 16.04.24
BRKZe15 XS2800066370
main debt securities облигации 16.04.24
Trading code:
List of securities:
official, main board, category "bonds"
System of quotation:
clean price
Unit of quotation:
nominal value percentage fraction
Quotation currency:
Quotation accuracy:
4 characters
Number of securities in one lot:
Characteristics of the securities:
Trade lists admission date:
Trade opening date:
Bond's name:
coupon international bonds
Current coupon rate, % APR:
Currency of issue and service:
Nominal value in issue's currency:
1,00 (the minimum size of the debt in nominal terms available for trading on KASE)
Number of registered bonds:
62 500 000 000
Issue volume, KZT:
62 500 000 000
Number of bonds outstanding:
41 926 500 000
Coupon rate type:
Settlement basis (days in month / days in year:
Date of circulation start:
Circulation term, years:
Circulation term, days:
1 800
Date of the previous coupon payment:
Number of days till nearest coupon payment:
Registry fixation date of the nearest coupon payment:
Date of the next coupon payment:
Coupon payment schedule:
Register fixation date at maturity:
Principal repayment period:
Paying agent:
Deutsche Bank AG, London Branch
Deutsche Bank Luxembourg S.A. (Люксембург)